
التقويم المزروع 2023

ورق صديق للبيئة مصنوع يدويًا ومعاد تدويره وقابل للتحلل الحيوي مع بذور - هدية عيد الميلاد فكرة هدية ورق بذور تقويم صغير قابل للزراعة 2023

ورق البذور هو نوع من الورق الصديق للبيئة الذي يحتوي على بذور مدمجة بداخله. يمكن زراعته في التربة لينمو ليصبح زهورًا أو أعشابًا أو خضروات. يمكن شراء ورق البذور عبر الإنترنت من العديد من تجار التجزئة ويأتي بأشكال وأحجام مختلفة، بما في ذلك البطاقات والإشارات المرجعية وبطاقات الهدايا. إذا كنت ترغب في شراء ورق البذور عبر الإنترنت، فلا تتردد في الاتصال بنا.


Seed Paper Plantable Mini Calendar 2023   Plantable Seed Paper is a sustainable, eco-friendly alternative to traditional paper products…
Plantable seed paper, also known as biodegradable eco paper, is usually from recycled or upcycled materials where the seeds are soaked during the papermaking process. It needs soil, water, warmth and sunlight, just like typical seeds. When planted, the paper breaks down in the soil and the seeds begin to germinate.


تعليمات العناية بالمنتج


نوع المنتج النباتي

الزهرة البرية وشجرة الجميز

خاصية مميزة

النمو الداخلي والخارجي


طقم الحديقة

مكان المنشأ

فوجيان، الصين

أوديإم/تصنيع المعدات الأصلية


موك للطلب حسب الطلب

3000 جهاز كمبيوتر شخصى

تكلفة العينة

US$400/عينة، الإرجاع الكامل بعد الطلب منا

Plant Hope, Reap the Future: 2023 Eco-Friendly Plantable Customizable Seed Paper Calendar

In this era of hope and responsibility, with deep concern for the earth, we are proud to present a new creative masterpiece for 2023: the Eco-friendly Plantable Customized Seed Paper Calendar. This unique calendar not only allows you to feel the flow of time but also provides a wonderful way to participate in sustainable development.

Planting hope, a calendar, a piece of green!

The Seed Paper Calendar is more than just a calendar, it’s a piece of green hope. We use carefully crafted plantable paper that is enriched with seeds from a variety of plants, such as flowers, vegetables and herbs. At the end of each month, you can tear off a calendar page from the past month and bury it in the soil, gently water it and wait for the seeds to sprout and grow. Each page left is the beginning of a new life, a gift to nature.

Multiple choices, customized production, seeds of your choice

We realize that everyone’s preferences and concerns are unique. That’s why we offer a wide variety of seed choices so you can customize your Seed Paper Calendar according to your preferences and needs. You can choose to plant all types of beautiful flowers, such as roses and sunflowers, to fill each month with color and fragrance. Or, you can choose to grow fresh vegetables and participate in a healthy lifestyle with your own hands from seed to table. Additionally, herbal seeds are a great option for a pure, natural fragrance you can enjoy anytime. Whatever your choice, you will find your unique mark on every page of the calendar.

OEM Customized Service, Creating a Better Future Together

We offer OEM customization services for corporations, groups, and individuals so that you can leave your unique mark on the seed paper calendar. Whether it’s a corporate slogan, a group’s event information, or a personal word of blessing, they can all be presented on the calendar through customized design, making each calendar a unique and precious gift.

The year 2023 is the year we become more connected to nature, and the year we contribute to environmental protection and sustainable development. By planting hope, we can create a greener, more beautiful future together. Choose the eco-friendly plantable customized seed paper calendar to let time bloom in your hands and hope take root in your heart. Take action for a better tomorrow!


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